Gambling is a risky activity in which people wager value on an uncertain event. Depending on the type of gambling, it can be categorized into two categories: problem gamblers and non-problem gamblers. The risk involved in gambling is a necessary part of the process, as is the prize.
Problem gamblers
Problem gamblers are those who engage in excessive gambling or other problem behavior. These people report frequent gambling activity, and often suffer from psychological distress and alcohol dependency. Problem gamblers typically engage in activities such as sports betting, online gambling, and poker. Their behaviors may be facilitated by specific factors that vary across groups.
Compulsive gamblers
The Compulsive Gamblers are an American garage rock band. The group was formed by Greg Cartwright and Jack Yarber. Cartwright would later become a member of the Oblivians.
Illegal gamblers
Illegal gamblers often have more interest in credit, and are thus more vulnerable to loan sharks and criminal activity. However, there is a lack of research about the extent to which illegal gamblers have borrowed money from unofficial money lenders, and the small numbers involved limit the conclusions that can be drawn from such surveys. Nevertheless, a recent Hong Kong study concluded that loan sharks were a significant source of finance for pathological gamblers in Hong Kong, and that they may have been associated with the suicides of some individuals.
Non-problem gamblers
Problem gambling is a serious disorder, often manifested by a preoccupation with gambling and a lack of control over it. People who have this disorder tend to feel bad about their gambling and may hide their gambling activities from family and friends. Eventually, their problem gambling may become so severe that it interferes with their lives.
Cheating in gambling games
Cheating in gambling games involves manipulating the cards dealt to other players to gain an unfair advantage. It may also involve peeking at cards in certain situations. A cheater’s strategy may help him or her steal money from other players. In a casino, cheating is illegal.
Drugs that can help people with a gambling addiction
Medications are one of the many options for dealing with gambling addiction. Antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antiseizure drugs can help people with gambling problems feel less compelled to gamble. Some of these drugs also improve social and occupational functioning. Although further research is needed, some medications may be helpful for people with gambling addictions.