The History and Origins of Poker


Learn about the game of poker’s history and origins, the Betting phases, and the various ways to tie hands in the game. Before you begin playing, learn the basics of the rules of poker. It has many apocryphal origins, but the word “poker” is likely derived from the 17th-century French game of poque. This version of the game was later developed into German pochen and a new version of primero. French settlers brought poker to the Americas, where the game evolved further.


The game of poker is a popular card game with a rich history dating back centuries. The principles of the game have been adopted from several other games, including backroom games. Many games influenced poker’s basic rules, such as card ranking and bluffing. The game has also spawned its own culture and literature. In this article, we’ll explore the history of poker and learn about the origins of the game.


Robert Ciaffone, otherwise known as Bob Ciaffone, is considered one of the foremost authorities on cardroom rules and the author of the book, Rules of Poker. Ciaffone selected the rules for the book and reorganized them in order to be understandable to non-gamblers. He was also responsible for drafting the rules used in cardrooms and in the game of poker. He served as the author of the rules book of the Poker Players Association, which was founded in 1984 but is now defunct.

Betting phases

Poker players will go through different betting phases, which are determined by the strength of a player’s hand and the amount of bets they place. Some will stay in a hand against the odds, while others call every bet in one or more streets. Understanding these betting phases can help you maximize your profits. You should know when each one occurs to help you choose the right one. Here are some tips to make the most of each phase.

Tie hands

In poker, a tie occurs when two players have five-card combinations that are identical to one another. Common examples of tie hands are pairs of twos and sevens. A tie is broken when one player holds the higher pair, but it can also occur if three or more players have the same five-card combination. Certain board textures increase the chances of a tie. To prevent them, learn how to break a tie.

Equity Calculator

If you’re looking for a useful tool to use in poker, an Equity Calculator is the best way to do so. There are numerous advantages to using this tool, including its simplicity and ability to predict your equity before the hand is over. This tool is great for those who are just starting out in poker, and it’s the perfect way to test your skills while enjoying your favorite game. To get started, all you need is a good internet connection. You can download the app from the google play store.

Expected value

A lot of players make mistakes in pre-flop betting, and learning the expected value of poker before the flop can help them avoid these mistakes. This is a mathematical formula where the expected value of each hand is indicated next to the number of positive or negative cards. By maximizing the expected value of your hand, you can increase your chances of winning. However, this does not mean that you should maximize the value of every card you receive. Before the flop, you should calculate your expected value for each hand, as well as the potential of winning.